About the Blue House

School Subjects
Humanities Humanities is the study of human culture. Taught by Ellen Pavelich, we have been learning writing and reading comprehension skills, as well as the history of ancient civilizations.  Math  Math is taught by Sarah Stodard. We are divided up into three groups: pre-algebra, algebra, and geometry. Occasionally, if a student is ahead, we also have algebra 2/trigonometry and pre-calculus groups. We are given a lesson at the beginning of class, then we complete worksheets based on the lesson. Students also occasionally complete one of these subjects over the summer to advance more quickly to the next class. Biology The whole class takes biology, taught by Devon Mann. Topics range from leaning about the elements, molecules, evolution, and human physiology. Apart from whole class biology, each week, a group of 5-6 students has a smaller biology class to go deeper into the subjects we've discussed in our whole class biology, as well as participating in labs and field work, to later be summarized in lab reports and note write ups. Art Art is taught by Colin Palombi (the bassist of the band Velvetron). We learn about different art techniques, including different styles of drawing, painting, photography, and film and animation. We then apply these styles to individual and class projects.    Latin Two times a week each student has Latin, taught by Bev Adamczyk. In Latin, most students study out of Ecce Romani (that means Look! The Romans!). This class helps us widen our range of vocabulary and prepares us for our ninth year trip to Italy. 
Two times a week each each student has Spanish as well as Latin. Spanish is taught by Monserrat Mares. The students learn from group lessons as well as worksheets and occasional quizzes to test what we've learned. Farm Eric Carlberg is the manager of one of the farms neighboring our school, and he teaches us about farming and helps us manage and care for our own farm. Behind the Blue House are four fields, a hoophouse, and chickens. All the students take part in working on and caring for the farm. We have a real, operational farm, and every Friday we bring our weekly produce to the Montessori School of Lake Forest's main campus and sell it to students and parents. Occasionally, we also sell our produce in the Prairie Crossing Farmer's Market. The money we make goes directly to paying for supplies and field trips.  Human Development Human Development is taught by Ann Jordahl. We discuss the psychology and development of humans and the Montessori learning system. One of the things we learn is the transition from adolescent to adulthood, which we students are currently experiencing.